Thank you very much for the PDF, it's a handy format to collect your great articles and reviews on.
By the way, taking this chance to let you know that the PART 1, PART 2, etc. links on the top of the page now redirect to a Google login page, instead of simply opening up the contents. This may prevent or at least disencourage people to browse them (speaking for myself, I gave up on having a Google account a while ago due to ever-increasing browser and login verification nonsense).
23 de nov. de 2024
Respondendo a
Thanks for your kind comments sir, it's great to get good feedback now and then 😀
And double thanks for pointing out that access issue. I've got to the bottom of it now and have got things back the way they should be I hope!
All the best mate,
16 de nov. de 2024
Avaliado com 5 de 5 estrelas.
More freebies? With these reviews you are really spoiling us!
Thank you very much for the PDF, it's a handy format to collect your great articles and reviews on.
By the way, taking this chance to let you know that the PART 1, PART 2, etc. links on the top of the page now redirect to a Google login page, instead of simply opening up the contents. This may prevent or at least disencourage people to browse them (speaking for myself, I gave up on having a Google account a while ago due to ever-increasing browser and login verification nonsense).
More freebies? With these reviews you are really spoiling us!